Introducing Karina Hernandez Pobereznic to the TPA Faculty 2023!

Karina was accepted into the Australian Ballet School in 1993 and completed their three-year diploma course. Upon her graduation, she joined The Australian Ballet Company and was fortunate to work with Maina Gielgud AO. Maina staged her highly acclaimed Giselle and The Sleeping Beauty for the Company, which Karina thoroughly enjoyed performing both in Australia and overseas. During her time with the company she also worked with many leading choreographers and guest teachers during this time, including Gelsey Kirkland and Jiri Kylian when he came to Australia to stage one of his famous ballets Forgotten Land.

In 1996, she joined Birmingham Royal Ballet as a First Artist and danced many leading roles with the company. She especially enjoyed working with leading choreographer and director of Birmingham Royal Ballet, David Bintley CBE. Some highlights of her career are dancing one of her first principal roles in David’s full-length ballet Far from the Madding Crowd with former Principal dancer and soon to be Director of The Royal Ballet Kevin O’Hare, and dancing with Chi Cao (Principal Dancer with Birmingham Royal Ballet and lead star in the movie Mao’s Last Dancer), also in one of David’s one act ballets The Protecting Veil.

During her time with Birmingham Royal Ballet, Karina studied for and received a Bachelor of Philosophy in Applied Studies in Dance. Karina has also been honoured to adjudicate the McDonalds Ballet Scholarship at City of Sydney Eisteddfod.

“I am very fortunate to have danced with two of the major ballet companies in the world. Since returning to Australia in 2005, my aim is to pass on my knowledge and past experiences to the dancers of our future. Bringing forth the ability to create innovative and inspiring ballet classes while serving as an effective teacher and mentor.”